I Am Nobody |
By Living |
I am nobody, who are you?
Do you hide in the shadows And crawl on your knees, As I do? I am nobody, who are you? Do you turn your head When somebody stares, As I do? I am nobody, who are you? Do you get up and leave When you are asked a question, As I do? I am nobody, who are you? When you read this poem, Do you think awhile, As I do. |
By being born,
I learned how to live. By going to school, I learned how to comprehend. By walking, I learned where I was going. By find out where I was going, I realized where I had gone. By finding out where I had gone, I realized how much more I have to learn. But by being emotional, I learned how to understand. By being understandable, I learned how to love. By loving someone, I learned how to live. |
I Am a Flower |
Money Isn't Everything |
I am a flower,
Too young. To start wilting, Around my roots And my roots are growing rotten. My stem is bending So far over, That what is left of my head, Once covered in glorious petals, Is nearly touching, the worm infested earth. My life was blooming, With beautiful colours, But the sunny colours I had are gone. And I am left, With black and grey. |
I made it!
Another job done. I robbed my last bank. I am now a millionaire I have everything. So I wait for the good times, But bad take their place. I wait for friends, But enemies take their place. I wait for love, But hate takes its place. I wait for hope, But despair takes its place. I wait for heaven, But hell takes its place. |